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German-French cooperation

Cooperation between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France (AHK) and NRW

Since 31st October 2019, there has been a cooperation agreement between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the German-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK France) to expand Franco-German cooperation in education and training. An essential component of this agreement is the internet platform "Ecoles-Entreprises" ("Schools-Companies") to promote partnerships between German and French companies, schools and vocational schools. This gives pupils the opportunity to find offers for internships in German and French companies.

The office for EU projects and professional qualifications of the district government Duesseldorf (GEB) is actively working on the platform to enable young trainees to gain valuable experience abroad for their professional and personal development. When it comes to organizing and financing mobility, the GEB provides advice to the vocational colleges and helps with the planning, implementation and evaluation of stays abroad.

Click here for the platform: www.ee-francoallemand.com

Cooperation with the Académie d'Aix-Marseille

Due to positive and bilateral cooperation experience of the Ministry of School and Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the rectorate of the Academy d'Aix-Marseille, both partners extended the cooperation agreement on November 23rd 2018. Many school partnerships have emerged in various industries. A pilot project in the "Gastronomy/Hotel Industry" and "Logistics/Transport" sectors is intended to facilitate the recognition of internships by French trainees in the host country. Further information on the pilot project can be found under this link.

Cooperation with the Académie de Lille

This sustainable cooperation between the Ministry of School and Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the rectorate of the Academie de Lille was renewed for the second time on September 21st 2018. Many school partnerships have emerged which result in mutual exchange and joint projects. A special focus of the cooperation is on the common development of innovative ideas in vocational training. Several meetings at different levels are planned to make better use of the reform of the French education system for further cooperation.